sheba finance
Mortgages & Leases
Our Services

car leasing & finance

Residential mortgages

buy – to – let mortgages
professional team

sheba finance Is An Independent, Locally-owned, And Operated mortgage & Lease broker.
Extensive knowledge and expertise
Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way.. and if you have the Will, we will certainly find the Way, that’s for Sure!

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What Our Customers Say
My Credit was quite low, but somehow they still managed to find me a Lender that would accept me and cater for my needs, my rates were simply higher than usual, but at least they got the job done!
My Credit Score was above average, yet I was STILL struggling to secure myself with Car Finance. Sheba Finance came through and worked out what my issues were and helped me to resolve them. Thanks to them, I now have the car of my Dreams!